Products > Other Equipment & Products

Open-T12-Soldering-Station released

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EDIT: I have the following on Tindie if you don't want to have a PCB made and assemble it.

So I did this out of frustration with ordering another Ksger soldering station to find out I had to replace the processor and hack up a couple other things.  So I decided to build my own and share it. Ended up on detouring and building a reflow oven to build it, that is also on my git page.  It uses the same pinouts as the Ksger T12 V3.0 OLD so it runs the great firmware at without any changes.

I thought about ordering some extra boards to offer up for sale.  But I really don't want to try and build one again, not sure anyone else would either, so I thought about having them made at someplace jlcpcb as they aren't expensive in quantity and they get many of the parts cheaper.  Any interest out there for that?   

Please ignore the homemade board, homemade solder mask, and learning the reflow oven solder quality.  I was hoping for a working prototype, so it was a success.

And educational comments about the design would be appreciated. 

Done and working. 

If the T12-958 Quick station works out with dodgy non STM32 I’d be interested in an Open source PCB. Even if it is an STM32 I’d still be interested.



--- Quote from: wasyoungonce on July 11, 2024, 10:41:34 am ---If the T12-958 Quick station works out with dodgy non STM32 I’d be interested in an Open source PCB. Even if it is an STM32 I’d still be interested.


--- End quote ---

I'm working on getting them out on Tindie.  I think the quicko has some differences. Like being 4 pin, and the connector is in a different location.  Also the display is different for the different versions.  Mine uses a 6 pin SPI.  I intend to have some options for converting them.  Like a whole face unit with a display, front panel, and connector assembled that will fit in the common box.  With options for cords, NTCS, connectors.  Never found the box at an affordable price.     

It's taking a lot of time to include the different options and document it all.  I'm not going to make much money on any of it, just got so pissed off trying to order I decided to do this. I should have the listing live in a week or so. 

For the excellent opensource firmware the STM32 is the way to go from everything I have gathered. 

EDIT: The PCB itself is $25,  everything but the through hole components.   not sure on the other kits yet.  I'm kinda scared how much I spent and haven't added it up yet.

Yep i know doing projects......always cost more than buying.   But mostly you know your parts are good and design good......cheers


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