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OWON Scope
Tony R:
So i have been looking around for a new DSO, i currently have an analog tektronix one but im looking for something that can do a little more. I have looked at Tektronix DSOs but they are out of my price range, The rigol is good but surely there has to be one better... I found a OWON brand scope for 287.00 USD is this to good to be true. I usualy dont like buying cheep equipment but if the price is right...
anyways, my main question is has any one has experience or heard stories about the OWON scopes?
here is the link i found to a bunch of them
what i was really looking at is the PDS5022S 25Mhz scope. so any input?
I think you will be sorely disappointed,but if you have a specific need for some of the features of this device maybe it is for you.
Remember,these cheaper DSOs do have to trade off outright performance to be ecomomical to purchase.
Don't get rid of the Tektronix !! In everyday Oscilloscope use,it will outperform the OWAN,although it doesn't have some of the neat little
features of a DSO.
The reason people on this forum go for the Rigol,is because it is a better compromise (& it is a compromise) between outright performance
useability & "bells & whistles" :D
I suggest you read Dave's Blog number 86,& the comments.
This Blog mainly deals with USB Oscilloscopes,but it has much useful information.
Tony R:
--- Quote from: vk6zgo on May 04, 2011, 04:28:01 am ---I think you will be sorely disappointed.
--- End quote ---
That is what I was afraid of
--- Quote from: vk6zgo on May 04, 2011, 04:28:01 am ---Don't get rid of the Tektronix !! In everyday Oscilloscope use,it will outperform the OWAN,although it doesn't have some of the neat little features of a DSO.
--- End quote ---
I have no plans on replacing the Tektronix analog scope I own, and I was hoping to get the DSO for the "neat little features" like single shot triggering.
So has anyone here have experience with a OWAN scope
Maybe you can tweak OWAN Scopes to higher frequencies, anyone know?
--- Quote from: Hero999 on May 04, 2011, 05:47:12 pm ---Maybe you can tweak OWAN Scopes to higher frequencies, anyone know?
--- End quote ---
Perhaps, but they have a rather low sample rate (500MS/s in the 100 MHz model - half that of the Rigol 1052E) so it might be a bit of a waste of time.
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