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Piranha Super-Flux vs high brightness 5mm LED review
IF somebody is interested to check out the difference between standard high brightness LED's and Piranha LED's feel free to read little further or skip to my webpage:
For actual test I have used two 5mm high brightness LED’s and two Piranha Super-Flux. All four are cold white color except one Piranha is warm white.
LED’s came from website which they have quite low prices compared to others, only catch is if you buy low quantity they charge you “penalty” for that.
For input voltage and current refer to the picture above, lettering in the RED provides that data
All LED’s are on breadboard with 5V Voltage regulator on input. Power source is 9V battery and each LED has dedicated resistor to come as close as possible to max potential.
More picture's from test and video can be viewed on next two links:
Yeah, piranha LEDs are really good.
I ordered 50 of the red, green, blue and RGB piranhas from about 3 years ago.
All of mine have a viewing angle of 110-130 because i wanted to use them for illumination.
I put quite a few in my car to replace various lamps and around 9 of them to replace the interior light.
I also managed to take some nice switches apart and replace the lamp with RGB piranhas.
Hollowed out the first switch contact module and used it for the 4 RGB led connections.
I will definetly order some more in future, yes there were also Piranha up to 140° viewing angle but at the moment I only needed ones with narrow view angle.
Very nice trick with switch. Do you limit power to them or you illuminate them at full brightness, in this case is it too bright to "find" switch?
Fantastic blog, excellent content there. Subscribed! ;D
--- Quote from: ElectroElvis on June 27, 2012, 09:19:09 am ---Do you limit power to them or you illuminate them at full brightness, in this case is it too bright to "find" switch?
--- End quote ---
Currently around 8 of them are connected up to a micro controller driven 40 channel array of DACs in my car.
I made the DAC array controller board many years ago before i really knew about PWM.
It wasn't the best solution but it works. It varies the voltage between 0-5V with a resistor in series with the LEDs to limit the current to 50mA. So the brightness can be controlled by the DAC value.
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