Author Topic: My KSGER T12 is slow (vs. 936 clone)  (Read 779 times)

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Offline bogdan2014Topic starter

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My KSGER T12 is slow (vs. 936 clone)
« on: February 10, 2023, 07:27:22 am »
I have a KSGER T12 v2 station with a bunch of KSGER tips and a 936 clone with cheap chinese tips. Comparing the two, I noticed that the 936 is much faster, given the same temperature (350C) and similar tip size. I sometimes struggle to solder larger parts with the KSGER even with something like a DL32 tip, whereas with the 936 it's a breeze (again, with the temperature set at 350C).
I don't see any drops in temperature or voltage (the PSU is 24V/5A).
I see people praising T12 stations so I'm starting to think either the tips are crap or I'm missing something else. By the way, I also tried different handles and it's the same.

Offline ygi

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Re: My KSGER T12 is slow (vs. 936 clone)
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2023, 12:00:55 pm »
What do you mean by "slow"? Does it take like 3min to get to temperature? If so then there's probably an issue with the mosfet on the controller board.
Otherwise what you described looks like a matter of thermal mass. Even if two tips are shaped the same way, the one that's heavier or bulkier usually stores more heat and can deal with bigger instantaneous heat loss from coming in contact with a big component or large ground. Also, counterfeit T12 tips from China tend to not be as well made than the original Hakko's (less copper, thin plating, poor bonding with heating element). Even with 1KW power supply and controller, if the tip isn't physically capable of delivering the heat into the board, you might as well just be working with a 20W iron.
So, at the end of the day, cost cutting and crude manufacturing can fail to make decent T12 cartridges much easier than it can fail to make plain 936 tips. If there's a T12 type you really like and use often, you should buy that one genuine from Hakko.
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Offline AWAIS91119

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Re: My KSGER T12 is slow (vs. 936 clone)
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2023, 03:20:00 pm »
Check the actual tip temperature of both irons. Maybe the KSGER is not calibrated and actual temp is roaming around 250*C

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