When repairing or checking stuff, I often come across AC parts like (small) transformers. Testing a transformer with DC isn't working that well, testing for shortages is difficult if you have no idea and information about what resistance to expect. So having a small AC power supply (like 6V or 9V) is a good idea, but this damn thing is for sure missing every time I need it

. Another thing: testing 50Hz and 60Hz.
Hobbyists like me normally have a bunch of cheap DC power supplies. I have a cheap Chinese one, a BK Precision dumpster dive (wrong AC input selected and a blown fuse..) and this well-known Riden one - but no AC supply. I rarely need a big variable voltage AC transformer (although it is nice to have one when testing unknown devices), so I don't want to buy one - have not really the place anyway. Also, I often work with young people and keeping them away from 230V as far as possible is a must anyway. I could grab one of the multiple transformers I have lying on the shelf and build me a power supply with one or more fixed outputs or a voltage divider, but hmmm...
So, my idea was a small "black box" (then fixed onto one of my DC power supplies) which takes a variable DC input and outputs something like a sinusoidal wave. I don't need 10 amps, I don't need "real sinus", I don't need 230V and I don't want to power my house with it. I just want to feed 6V DC and get something like 4-6V AC with 2A max. so that I can test a transformer or those small AC->DC-converters. And testing a flyback from an old CRT or testing a 1:10 microwave transformer just feels safer with only 3v input...
Google gives me H-bridges controlled by a MCU or similar complicated stuff but no simple convenient components. Do they exist? Or are there prebuilt parts to give out 50Hz and 60Hz by just feeding them with DC? YT'er GreatScott! made a video some years ago about an EGS002 controller from China, but his video is also far from just taking some simple parts and components (yt /watch?v=Dn2PFebi2ww). I mean, c'mon, there are for sure dozens of special controllers for feeding cats but not one simple chip for generating 50Hz AC?