That said, realistically, even at $110/lb, it's not that bad! I mean, how much solder do you really use? A pound of solder lasts for thousands and thousands of joints, the cost per joint is negligible.
It's one of those things, to me, like dish soap and laundry detergent: even if I buy the "expensive" stuff, it's still negligibly cheap in the grand scheme of things...
I agree with your logic.
Sadly, $110 is a big chunk out of a hobbyist's budget. So this was my guiding principle/POV when I made my post.
Regarding cost of a roll of 62/36/2, I've seen it priced similarly to 63/37 (~mid $50's). The unfortunate part is they have MOQ's (25 or 50 rolls of Kester 44; only the diameter differed).
Another thing I noticed, is TEquipment offers a 1lb roll of 63/37 for $11.53

Amerway 63/37). It's US made, contains RA flux @ 3%, and is .032" diameter. I've not used it, but the handful of reviews are positive. Unfortunately, Amerway doesn't offer 62/36/2 at all.
Digging around, I found a 1lb spool of
AIM 13772 which contains 62/36/2 for $36.51 (RMA @ 3%, .025" diameter). Proof that the people who run Kester are extremely greedy or insane. Probably a bit of both IMHO.