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CFW for KSGER/Quicko STM32 Soldering Stations

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The max. expected voltage coming from the sensor is under 50mv, but 24V will get there when powering the heater.

Not absolutely required, the amplifier esd diode will clamp the voltage, but this could cause weird behaviour, better to solder a led or a 1n4148 there to clamp the voltage at lower level than VCC.


--- Quote from: Rixi on May 09, 2023, 06:36:22 am ---That's how I did it. My GND is PIN 3.
My measurements 1to3 and 2to3 seam to be okay. The only strange thing is that I measure about 2.9Ohms from 1 to 2. That should be around 2.9 + 1.0 = 3.9 Ohms if I'm not wrong?

--- Quote from: Rixi on May 07, 2023, 04:14:06 pm ---Here is what I re-measured on the connector with an inserted (used) C245 cartige a moment ago:
Pin 1 to 2: 2.9 Ohm
Pin 2 to 3: 1.0 Ohm
Pin 1 to 3: 2.9 Ohm
With no cartige inserted I have no connection/resistance between any connector pins.

--- End quote ---

I measured it multiple times, but will re-measure once I'm back home.

EDIT: I just realized that I probably wired the thermocouple and heater the wrong way around. According to this...

--- Quote from: ststefanov13 on May 08, 2023, 08:55:18 am ---David, the HANDSKIT uses a different arrangement of the GX15-5 connector. See my last picture.
H is the thermocouple, T+ is Plus on the soldering tip, SW is the vibration sensor, GND is the signal ground, PE is the protective ground. With the Handskit, the NTC is soldered to the board.

--- End quote ---
...I should measure the 1Ohm from PIN 1 (marked H on the board) to 3 (marked with ground symbol on the board).
And 3 Ohm from PIN 2 (marked T+ on the board) to 3.

Another question: Do I need to add a diode here? (Attachment 1)

--- End quote ---

These measurements are taken at the handle connector disconnected from the post tip station.

pin 1  to 4 (Signal Ground) ???? Ohm
pin 2 to 4  ( Signal Ground ) ???? Ohm

Signal Ground (pin 4 )  is not connected with  Protective Ground (pin 3) on the board.

2=BLUE=Heater +
3 bridge 4 = GREEN = Protective Ground 
4 bridge 3 = GREEN = Signal Ground

!!!!  Signal Ground is not connected with  Protective Ground  on the board. !!!!

5 =Vibration Switch to back panel for stand

The diode is not necessary for C245 in this place, but it does not prevent having it.

To David
on HANDSKIT station, soldering tip change  in version 1.10.2 doesn't work while working on KSGER ?

I have three HANDSKIT stations, the first with T12, the second with HANDSKIT soldering tweezers and the third with C245.
on those with T12 and C245, changing the soldering tip does not work.
I also have two KSGER v3 stations, the first one with T12 (there, changing the soldering tip works). This makes me think that I should do a test with c245 at KSGER station.  :)
Second is with HANDSKIT soldering tweezers.

What could be the problem with changing the soldering tip on the HANDSKIT stations.


--- Quote from: Rixi on May 09, 2023, 06:36:22 am ---That's how I did it. My GND is PIN 3.
My measurements 1to3 and 2to3 seam to be okay. The only strange thing is that I measure about 2.9Ohms from 1 to 2. That should be around 2.9 + 1.0 = 3.9 Ohms if I'm not wrong?

--- Quote from: Rixi on May 07, 2023, 04:14:06 pm ---Here is what I re-measured on the connector with an inserted (used) C245 cartige a moment ago:
Pin 1 to 2: 2.9 Ohm
Pin 2 to 3: 1.0 Ohm
Pin 1 to 3: 2.9 Ohm
With no cartige inserted I have no connection/resistance between any connector pins.

--- End quote ---

I measured it multiple times, but will re-measure once I'm back home.

EDIT: I just realized that I probably wired the thermocouple and heater the wrong way around. According to this...

--- Quote from: ststefanov13 on May 08, 2023, 08:55:18 am ---David, the HANDSKIT uses a different arrangement of the GX15-5 connector. See my last picture.
H is the thermocouple, T+ is Plus on the soldering tip, SW is the vibration sensor, GND is the signal ground, PE is the protective ground. With the Handskit, the NTC is soldered to the board.

--- End quote ---
...I should measure the 1Ohm from PIN 1 (marked H on the board) to 3 (marked with ground symbol on the board).
And 3 Ohm from PIN 2 (marked T+ on the board) to 3.

Another question: Do I need to add a diode here? (Attachment 1)

--- End quote ---

What is the function of the 10 ohm resistor in the picture on power supply ?

Isn't that 10 ohms you're measuring?

!!!!  Signal Ground is not connected with  Protective Ground  on the board. !!!!

pin 1=RED=Theromocouple
pin 2=BLUE=Heater +
pin 3 bridge 4 = GREEN = Protective Ground
pin 4 bridge 3 = GREEN = Signal Ground

These measurements are taken at the handle connector with a post tip without the handle plugged into the station.

pin 1 to 4 ( Signal Ground ) ???? Ohm
pin 2 to 4  ( Signal Ground ) ???? Ohm

The field effect transistor that controls the heater is connected to + 24 volts and signal ground and not to the protective ground and its control from stm32 is relative to signal ground. !!!!!!


--- Quote from: ststefanov13 on May 09, 2023, 10:18:14 am ---What is the function of the 10 ohm resistor in the picture on power supply ?

--- End quote ---

This is a revision of my power supply. When using 245 (when the soldering iron tip is cold), the power supply went into protection cyclically.
If you use T12, then this is not observed.
Changed the parameters of the current sensor. On the factory circuit, two 0.43 Ohm resistors are in parallel.
I added another 1.0 ohm resistor. And the power supply stopped going into protection.
Perhaps other instances of Handskit power supplies will not have such a feature.


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