I'm back home and making progress with the C245:
EDIT: I just realized that I probably wired the thermocouple and heater the wrong way around. According to this...
David, the HANDSKIT uses a different arrangement of the GX15-5 connector. See my last picture.
H is the thermocouple, T+ is Plus on the soldering tip, SW is the vibration sensor, GND is the signal ground, PE is the protective ground. With the Handskit, the NTC is soldered to the board.
...I should measure the 1Ohm from PIN 1 (marked H on the board) to 3 (marked with ground symbol on the board).
And 3 Ohm from PIN 2 (marked T+ on the board) to 3.
I re-measured (with a better, more precise multimeter) and confirmed I had the thermocouple and heater the wrong way around. So I swapped them. Attachments 1+2 show how is how it's now wired up.
!!!! Signal Ground is not connected with Protective Ground on the board. !!!!
pin 1=RED=Theromocouple
pin 2=BLUE=Heater +
pin 3 bridge 4 = GREEN = Protective Ground
pin 4 bridge 3 = GREEN = Signal Ground
I bridged PINs 3 and 4 inside the connector (Attachment 3)
Another question: Do I need to add a diode here? (Attachment 1)
[...] better to solder a led or a 1n4148 there to clamp the voltage at lower level than VCC.
Added a diode (Attachment 4)
The good news: The station is now now showing the tip/cartige error any more
And it's heating the tip
...but the temperature reading (or somethig else) is still not sufficient:
When switching on the station or putting in a new tip it's heating up strongly for 1-2sec and then reads temperatures up to 800-900 °C. The tip is then hot and you don't want to touch it, but not hot enough to melt solder. After reading the 900°C it stops heating and the temperature slowly drops to the set temperature which it then tries to hold. Still hot, but not melding solder. Various new and used tips all show a similar behaviour.
I do have a (fake) Hakko 191 Tip Thermometer, but can't read the temperatures acurately, because the tip is not melting solder.
However, I tried to run a calibration. It did not worked instantly for the 400°C calibration step: It showed "Wait..." forever and did seam to stabilize the read temperature enough. At some point the calibration seamed to work and showed "Successfull" (or something similar). But the behaviour did not really change (still heating up to ~900°C, tip get's hot but not melding solder).
The T12 handle and profile still work.
Any ideas why the C245 temperature reading/heating is so much off? Or what heating settings are not set the right way?