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CFW for KSGER/Quicko STM32 Soldering Stations

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Was it the gain resistor?
Please document a bit the steps you took to make it work, so everyone with the same board can have a look at it.

The default values are pretty conservative, trying to avoid issues with the 4 million controllers out there.
You can try:
- Increase Pid Ki until having too much overshooting/oscillations.
- Reduce tip filtering to 30-50%.
- C245 sensor output is much cleaner than T12, try lowering ADC delay to 1ms and ADC time to 50ms, it might work nicely.

Do only one step at a time, it's easy to mess things up!


--- Quote from: DavidAlfa on May 13, 2023, 10:00:21 pm ---Please document a bit the steps you took to make it work, so everyone with the same board can have a look at it.

--- End quote ---
Sure! The correct wiring and connector PIN-out is described in Post #3466.

--- Quote from: DavidAlfa on May 13, 2023, 10:00:21 pm ---Was it the gain resistor?

--- End quote ---
No, I didn't have to put a new resistor.

Beside the correct wiring, the main part was temperature calibration. I first read your manual about this ;) and like you explained here I needed to go into the Calibration-Settings and increasy the values for Cal 250°C and Cal 400°C manually. I did this step by step and ended up with Cal 250°C = 1950 and Cal 400°C = 2950. With these values (already with some lower values) my iron melted solder, so I was able to use my fake Hakko 191 Thermometer to measure the actual tip temperature.
I then started the automated/guided Calibration and finally was able to calibrate the tip precisely (Result: Cal 250°C: 2065 + Cal 400°C: 3339 ).

--- Quote from: DavidAlfa on May 13, 2023, 10:00:21 pm ---- Increase Pid Ki until having too much overshooting/oscillations.
- Reduce tip filtering to 30-50%.
- C245 sensor output is much cleaner than T12, try lowering ADC delay to 1ms and ADC time to 50ms, it might work nicely.

--- End quote ---
Finally, I did not change the PID Ki setting yet, but I did change the tip filtering to 40%, ADC delay to 1ms and ADC times to 50ms.
This made the temperature curve much smoother!  :-+
I still need to learn and understand what all these seetings do and maybe play around with them a bit.

I apologize for my English, I have to write through a translator.
There was one idea that could compensate for the poor quality of T12 (clones), and unleash the full potential of C245 / C210.
Auto-boost, what I mean is -
1.The power (% of load) threshold is set (for example, 15% for C245, 50% for C210)
2. When this threshold is reached, the temperature rises by 10 degrees immediately.
3.If the load is not reduced, +10 degrees are added every 1 seconds
4. With adjustable upper limit, such as +30 degrees.
5. As soon as the load disappears, the temperature setpoint returns to normal.


--- Quote from: DavidAlfa on May 09, 2023, 07:19:35 pm ---For convenience, it enables the tip selection for 5 seconds after changing a tip, so you can chose the new one by rotating the knob, or simply wait the timeout for it to go away.
Don't go Superman, it will ignore it if the tip is inserted again in less than 3 seconds, assuming it was a a connection failure instead.

Yeah, I have to update the Operation manual, too busy...

--- End quote ---

Really nice function, but any chance to add that 5 seconds delay as a setting in future updates to make it longer? Sometimes I find it too short, when I start selecting changed tip it already timed out and changes temperature instead...

Easy, change checkScreenTimer(5000) in this line to the time you want, it's in milliseconds:

Compile following the instructions from github, basically it's this: Install CubeIDE, Download the project in .zip, modify that line, run the build script, done!
Shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.


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