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CFW for KSGER/Quicko STM32 Soldering Stations

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What would be the disadvantages of buying unit with segmented LED display (mm32) over the OLED (stm32). It has sleep, shutdown modes, temperature calibration and I like a simple display.

There is no option to individually calibrate the tip or switch profiles, which can sometimes be useful, not to mention other interesting settings.


--- Quote from: moffet on October 28, 2024, 04:15:56 pm ---Currently I have the following settings:
Zero set      612
Cal 250°C    2360
Cal 400°C    3960

Maybe the voltage offset of the amplifier is too big. It is unknown 621K amplifier.

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Your ZeroSet is too high, you may need change op-amp.
My ZeroSet is near 30 at 30°C with modded ksger gx board. (AD8605)

I just replaced the amplifier with the Texas Instruments OPA336NA and now Zero set is 11 insted of 612.
So if you have 621K amplifier, replace it.


--- Quote from: spleenharvester on June 11, 2024, 08:53:46 pm ---... Assuming I've traced the schematic properly (attached) and interpreted it properly, it looks like docking the iron on the stand causes pin PD1 to be pulled low.

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Please consider some of my clarifications regarding the scheme
1. Usually in circuits smoothing capacitors have a nominal value 100nF (C6, C14, С15, C16)
2. U1 is missing contacts number 35 and 44.
3. U4 - TP1431A has a different pin numbering.


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