Hey there. I am considering between either this project and another one. Or perhaps make both. However I do have a few questions. Maybe Some of you can chip in and answer these? Because the other project is all in Russian so it's harder for my to find similar answers over there! Many thanks.
1) What is the performance like, because it's difficult to see on the video. The original JCB stations go from cold to about 300C in only 3-4 seconds. However other solutions (like the unisolder) take considerably longer time than that.
2) Is the heating done high current DC pwm based. Or through an ac / zero crossing triac / half waves?
3) Does the heater have to be turned off, in order to measure the temperature from the thermocouple? How often is this done?
4) [edited]
Is there no possible software fix, to make a safety mechanism to detect and prevent the tip from glowing red hot on sleep? Or is that something else? For example because of different wiring configuration between the T210 and T245 handles.Ah... I see maybe that is already fixed now in the latest v1.1.3 release.
"This release fixes an issue which resulted on the power to the iron being inadvertently be set to 100% with some calibration values." Good to know!
5) If i get a revision 3.0 board, will the STM32 controller on it break / die quickly? Why would that happen?
Sorry if these questions seem a bit stupid or obvious. I really haven't had enough time to research all this in depth. Just trying to figure out which way to go first.