Bought one of these on a whim last Thursday, thought a teardown was in order! What do you get in a £12 mini quadcopter?'s definitely a neat little toy, and yes it does fly, very well in fact. So of course I was keen to see what's under the hood.
With the rotors removed:

The underside:

You can see the 100mAh battery, and the four retaining screws.
They look like small machine screws, rather than self tappers.

Well, what do we have here? No chip-on-board epoxy blobs, a few QFN ICs.

Top middle, the IC is labelled "XN297", which looks to be the 2.4GHz receiver - a "wireless mouse solution" by a company called Panchip: assume the controller contains another XN297, I didn't take it apart.
To the left is an Invensense MPU-6050 - an integrated 3 axis gyro and 3 axis accelerometer. Whether it's real or fake is anyone's guess, they seem too expensive to put the real thing in a £12 product. the right is a STmicro STM32 F050K4 MCU.
There is also an LED in each corner - blue at the front, orange at the back.
Let's flip the board over:

To the top is the PCB antenna, coming through from the other side.
Underneath that is a 16MHz crystal.
The 5-pin IC just below the date marking is marked "F04A", which could possibly be a 4.5V threshold detection IC - a really basic battery charge cut off, perhaps. Now I know this is in here, I won't be trusting it while charging anymore. There is no charging IC.
Interestingly, pin 4 of the aforementioned IC isn't actually soldered to the PCB - it's left hanging, over some silkscreen. Not sure what that's about.
Each of the ICs on the four 'arms' is marked "004H", I assume just a simple transistor or something to drive each motor.
The LiPo battery is marked "751517", 3.7V, 100mAh.
Here's a gallery with a few more pictures: