So I was brushing rust out of some nooks and crannies on a vise I could not get at with any other tools and my dremel halted, I thought the battery died or it overloaded. I was just using a mini brass brush. I typically use a dremel fan accessory with it so it blows away the dust from the air intake ports.
I charged up the dremel pack and it did about 1/2 a turn and stopped. When I attempted to power it back up after it stopped it did not respond.
It was not hot or being used heavy at the time of failure, just very gentle brushing.
Likely failure modes? I can't find much on the battery powered dremel repairs. If there is something likely I would like to try to repair it but I don't know if maybe trying to get the company to repair it is a better idea.
I thought that maybe there is some sort of thermistor or NTC inside? I don't know why a motor control would do 1/2 a turn and stop spinning unless something is over loading.