Latest update in my UT804 adventure:
I received the meter on friday and my first impression was that I liked the design, even though it is a plastic meter, I like the size of it.
The diplay is also very nice, great backlighting. The buttons and the switch knob are a bit small, but manageable.
I started out testing different DC voltages and capacitance against my other meters. I don't have an AC generator, so I had to wait till Monday, when I got to school. I think I will not bother to publish the results, as the test was rather limited... I only got to test DC 2-45 V and capacitance.
I have to say though that I feel the UT804 was the most reliable of the ones I tested against.
I checked the PCB inside and it's a revised version, which is supposed to be more accurate than the first version.
While testing the meter in amp mode, 230 v, with 3 other meters in series, the UT804 threw up on the bench. It started making a humming sound, which I thought came from the voltage source (the test was done in a High voltage lab). The display lid up the whole display and then it went dead.
I was pulling 1,96 amps, so I didn't overload it. (Yes, I checked the fuses.)
Too bad really, because I was actually considering keeping it. I mean, as long as the measurements are accurate, I don't really care if it sits in an empty case... But the build of it corresponds with the price, but for that price, you can't expect a Fluke.
I will send it back tomorrow and get a Tonghui TH1942 instead.
I wouldn't mind having the UT804, if it didn't fail like it did, but since it did, I'm gonna go for a Tonghui. Also, so I can do a review on that for the benefit of others looking for info on it

For the benifit of all, Zensei