Yes, the config file has moved!
After editing the config file to the below, the ready LED is lit Green and it appears we're ready to go!
GPIB.CONF IEEE488 library config file
copyright : (C) 2002 by Frank Mori Hess
(C) 1994 by C.Schroeter
email :
* Syntax:
* interface { ... } starts new interface board section
* device {...} device configuration
/* This section configures the configurable driver characteristics
* for an interface board, such as board address, and interrupt level.
* minor = 0 configures /dev/gpib0, minor = 1 configures /dev/gpib1, etc.
interface {
minor = 0 /* board index, minor = 0 uses /dev/gpib0, minor = 1 uses /dev/gpib1, etc. */
board_type = "agilent_82357a" /* type of interface board being used, agilent_82357a or ni_usb_b for NI USB-GPIB-HS */
name = "agilent" /* optional name, allows you to get a board descriptor using ibfind() */
pad = 0 /* primary address of interface */
sad = 0 /* secondary address of interface */
timeout = T100s /* timeout for commands, 100s for slow stuff like DMMs with filtering on */
/* settings for boards that lack plug-n-play capability */
base = 0 /* Base io ADDRESS */
irq = 0 /* Interrupt request level */
dma = 0 /* DMA channel (zero disables) */
master = yes/* interface board is system controller */
eos = 0xa /* EOS Byte, 0xa is newline and 0xd is carriage return */
set-reos = yes /* Terminate read if EOS */
set-bin = yes /* Compare EOS 8-bit */
set-xeos = no /* Assert EOI whenever EOS byte is sent */
set-eot = yes /* Assert EOI with last byte on writes */
/* This is how you might set up a pcIIa board on /dev/gpib1, uncomment to use. */
interface {
minor = 1
board_type = "pcIIa"
pad = 0
sad = 0
timeout = T3s
eos = 0x0a
set-reos = yes
set-bin = no
base = 0x2e1
irq = 7
dma = 1
master = yes
/* Now the device sections define the device characteristics for each device.
* These are only used if you want to open the device using ibfind() (instead
* of ibdev() )
device {
minor = 0 /* minor number for interface board this device is connected to */
name = "VNA" /* device mnemonic */
pad = 16 /* The Primary Address */
sad = 0 /* Secondary Address */
eos = 0xa /* EOS Byte, 0xa is newline and 0xd is carriage return */
set-reos = yes /* Terminate read if EOS */
set-bin = yes /* Compare EOS 8-bit */
set-xeos = no /* Assert EOI whenever EOS byte is sent */
set-eot = yes /* Assert EOI with last byte on writes */
However, running Ibtest and trying to write a string, throws up this error:
Do you wish to open a (d)evice or an interface (b)oard?
(you probably want to open a device): d
enter primary gpib address for device you wish to open [0-30]: 0
trying to open pad = 0 on /dev/gpib0 ...
You can:
w(a)it for an event
write (c)ommand bytes to bus (system controller only)
send (d)evice clear (device only)
change remote (e)nable line (system controller only)
(g)o to standby (release ATN line, system controller only)
send (i)nterface clear (system controller only)
ta(k)e control (assert ATN line, system controller only)
get bus (l)ine status (board only)
go to local (m)ode
change end (o)f transmission configuration
(r)ead string
perform (s)erial poll (device only)
change (t)imeout on io operations
request ser(v)ice (board only)
(w)rite data string
send group e(x)ecute trigger (device only)
: w
enter a string to send to your device: *IDN?
sending string: *IDN?
gpib status is:
ibsta = 0xc100 < ERR TIMO CMPL >
iberr= 6
EABO 6: Operation aborted
ibcntl = 0
As always, thank you all for the help!