I grabbed one of these Vantek PSU's for $135 off ebay delivered, however, I made a stupid mistake and managed to break my ICD3 programmer and the board I was attempting to program..
I'm guessing it was because I forgot to link negative to ground, and a path was created from negative (I hadn't even connected positive yet!), through the programmer cable, through the USB cable through earth and back - however it was a massive amount of current, enough to melt the programming port and lead, as well as pop a PIC32, DP83848 phy transceiver and 34V SMPS IC, with just negative connected..
After having a look at the difference between negative and earth/gnd, I noticed that it sometimes creates a 30-50v DC offset from negative to gnd, and if I attempt to short the two I get a massive spark, is that normal?? Is it safe to connect negative to gnd permanently like on other PSU's if I won't want it floating? I'm worried it'll blow itself up lol
Also, on this Vantek unit it doesn't do the voltage overshoot when powering up, nor does it supply excessive current when shorted when the output is turned off.