Products > Other Equipment & Products

WCI3 microscope

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Something is definitely not right. It is not just blurry at 32X, but the contrast dies like the devil.

For comparison, I have attached the ca. 10X/21mm view I get out of an old microscope at its 31X maximum zoom. You can see that this ENIG PCB has been stored too long and is starting to noticeably corrode.


--- Quote from: jfiresto on July 08, 2023, 09:14:46 am ---Something is definitely not right. It is not just blurry at 32X, but the contrast dies like the devil.

--- End quote ---

Ignore any contrast difference as it was taken with a cellphone camera in the eyepiece, and holding the ring light in my hand. Was just trying to demonstrate the difference in blur.

To clarify, I probably would not recommend anyone buy the newer 10:1 head over the old one unless:
- Another review is shown with full zoom in sharp focus
- You specifically want the higher working distance and do not care about the highest zoom ratios (although you could probably just get a 0.44 or 0.3x barlow too? Some are harder to find though).


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