Thank you for the Oszifox PenScope picture and information, Les!
It seems to be the same design to the
RadioShack ProbeScope I purchased in the late nineties, which was based on the
ZM407 scope IC and the National Semiconductor
COP880 microcontroller.
For our readers information, I purchased mine in the 1997 and paid a premium (USD ~80) for the RadioShack branding,
as I wrote at the original thread. The extra components that can be seen at the top left of my PCB are a switchable 9.0 Mohm (= 4.7M + 4.3M) input resistor and a couple of capacitors that form a 10:1 AC compensated resistor divider with the 1.0 Mohm device input, in order for me to expand the 100Vpp max. input range and use the ProbeScope to reverse engineer and troubleshoot the CDI/TCI motorcycle ignition controllers I used to repair, upgrade and reprogram by that time. As expected, of course, I managed to kill the device by accidentally touching a ~300VDC output line of a CDI DC/DC converter while I was probing the low voltage section of the PCB, with the 9.0 Mohm front-end bypassed...
Though the ProbeScope was not an accurate device, it was great to give you a quick view of the waveform the probed lines had. Then, you could use the DMM or the scope for more details.