Author Topic: YIHUA 908+ portable adjustable soldering iron opinions?  (Read 10779 times)

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YIHUA 908+ portable adjustable soldering iron opinions?
« on: August 05, 2015, 05:57:07 am »
Has anyone tried this: YIHUA 908+ Portable and adjustable temperature soldering iron?

It looks ideal for those with space constraint and has controllable temperature and changeable tips & element.

Found only sellers on Aliexpress for around $26.  Does its size suggest a SMPS type power supply?  Opinions?


Offline amyk

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Re: YIHUA 908+ portable adjustable soldering iron opinions?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2015, 07:23:21 am »
Yes, that appears to be a standard 936-style clone handle with an SMPS. There's a digital version too, called the 9936. They've been around for a while.

There is also this controller board which accepts standard laptop supplies with 12-24V input:

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Re: YIHUA 908+ portable adjustable soldering iron opinions?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2015, 07:43:31 am »
I dont hang on to every word David our host says in respect to his opinions of test kit or these things, after all it is just an opinion, but having got a number of these fake hakko [insert other named brands ] things I have to agree with him. They have given me nothing but grief, can't hold the heat and solder like a spade in an old blacksmiths forge. I often think I would have been better of sticking with an old type fixed hand iron until I could afford a decent branded station
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Offline ogaraTopic starter

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Re: YIHUA 908+ portable adjustable soldering iron opinions?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2015, 11:58:38 am »
amyk, thanks for the link, didn't know there are quite a few DIY soldering station kits, going to add it to one of my possible choice but it does requires quite a bit of work.

All these years have been using a simple Goot iron but thought it will be nice to upgrade to a 'proper' one.  Almost wanted to get a complete 936 clone set but got bogged down with info overload, so many threads.

Then this Yihua 908+ caught my eye for its size which is a big plus due to my lack of space.  But I can't find any reviews on it, seems to be newly launched only early this year.  Plus is not likely of getting a dodgy clone since it is so new and unheard of.

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Re: YIHUA 908+ portable adjustable soldering iron opinions?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2015, 10:17:46 pm »
One thing I can advise, trash the tips that come with it and use some genuine hallo tips.  They aren't very expensive and they last literally more than 20x longer. This is based on using genuine hakko tips in a model at work.  We are on the same original tip,  after training several employees on how to solder, doing hundreds of joints and over one hundred wires, plus the typical abuse that comes in a non-residential setting. I used to own a knock-off 936 and the tips were garbage.
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Re: YIHUA 908+ portable adjustable soldering iron opinions?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2015, 08:31:27 pm »
Hello, i receive my "YIHUA 908+"

there is no temperature sensor, no transformers
i can't use it imediately, because it's a china plug, and i receive a us/euro adapter! >:(
« Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 08:36:03 pm by llegoff »

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Re: YIHUA 908+ portable adjustable soldering iron opinions?
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2015, 02:07:14 pm »
It looks like there's at least 3 wires going to the heater, so it does have a sensor, but it's a mains-powered heater which could be difficult to find. I suppose that's why it's so light... although this ideas has been done before:

Offline GeekPriest

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Re: YIHUA 908+ portable adjustable soldering iron opinions?
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2015, 03:01:28 pm »
Then this Yihua 908+ caught my eye for its size which is a big plus due to my lack of space.

If space is at a premium, might I suggest the classic Weller TCP stations. There's very little to break, the station is quite compact, and tips are readily available at under $4 each. (I just bought several from TEquipment for under $3 each.) The only real downside is that there is no "auto off" on it, and, of course, it's not a variable temperature station. Nonetheless, the temperature control is accurate, and the price on used ones is a bargain. I paid $20 for mine.


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