Apparently I have no patience, I went ahead and wrote the program.

(see attached). I used a MicroChip pic16F1509 with SourceBoostC.
NOTE: SourceBoost has a limited free compiler that works for this program,
but I liked BoostC so much AND it was cheap, so I bought it.

For anyone who cares about the GORY details...

I added a few features to the Soldering Iron.
1) Idle timeout sleep (20 minutes without fiddling with a button/dial)
2) Display temp of hot iron (if the iron is hotter than what the dial is set to, display its temp).
3) Allow temp to be set to a low value (50+ degrees Celsius)
NOTE: Be prepared if you read the code, I write VERY dense code... but it has good comments.
I also modified the board:
1) Swapped V+ and Gnd for the MCU (Microchip has them swapped compared to Samsung)
2) Replaced wire R19 with 1K resistor (keeps the F/C switch from directly connecting to ground)
3) Added a 1K resistor between MCU pin18 and "Temp Dial" pot
(Otherwise, pin18 would have a direct connect to V+ or GND if the Dial is set High/Low)
NOTE: I suspect one of the Pins directly connected to Ground/V+ caused an inrush current surge (high dI/dt)
that blew the MCU & Voltage regulator. Bad code or a bad MCU startup condition could have caused this.
I also don't like that fact that they use a single diode as a "bridge rectifier" for the control circuitry, BUT I didn't fix that.