Thanks Tesla500, David:
I really want one, but what will I do with it. I only work with simple USB accelerometer seismographs and TTL 7400 as a hobby. I am not going to the a Yokogawa DLM-2000. It takes very little space, great wave form recording software. That BNC probe connector is a wiggly. If I ever do own one, which highly unlikely. Good open pit mining job might earn enough. I doubt it. If I can get my hands on one, then I will take it apart and post the pictures for all to see what is inside it. The human interface is the way the design thinks about it. I wonder how did the I Pod became a successful human interface. The compact, vertical form factor is very classic Macintosh like of the 1980s.
I like the way it shows the varying duty cycles of the square wave forms to switch something, a power supply or SCR?