for the repair job and, of course, a

for the blooper! A few years back, I was given 2 old Tek tube scopes, 1 without the cover on it. Not having either a variac or a dim bulb tester, I still decided to plug them in. The one without the cover powered up fine with traces, the other didn't power up at all. I decided to check the plug-ins from that scope in the original one since the plug-ins were the same. The first went fine but when I powered up the scope with the 2nd plug-in,

. I actually had a small flame coming out of the top of the scope until I pulled the plug out of the wall. Needless to say, I didn't have the door to my office closed so the smell made its' way into the house and lingered for a couple of days. SWMBO wasn't happy with me and made me put the scopes out for trash. Unfortunately, the trash pickup is early so she waited until she saw the scopes go into the garbage truck before she went to work because she didn't trust me. I now have both a dim bulb tester and a variac
