I think that a 390 is a 'test equipment'.
If you needed a receiver in a lab, back in the day, I think it would be a damn good one.
I used a SA with a speaker in it, but the only thing someone told me is they missed the real radio they had in the previous job. They do seem to use nice radios inside of a RF lab.
There is a area of equipment I think that crosses over between test equipment and end use tools. They like end up 'being around' for various reasons. I think that nice receivers are one of them.
Its less oddball then electric heater loads (space heater) that are kept commonly in many labs in north america. Because no one wants to buy a chroma
I don't think a big HF reciever would be that out of place 20-30 years ago, even if your 'snobbishness' setting is set to 7.5/10, especially if its not your mainstay task. Of course, if your screw drivers require a calibration and verification check and alligator clip test leads are specified to +-0.005 inches, along with a ISO procedure on how to crack your knuckles, then it will get kicked out of THAT lab. Sometimes they go ape shit about equipment that might be possibly adapted to do something too, like a cheap wall clock, they really hate creativity. Makes me want to install a BNC connector on a stapler, that will surely get investigated by quality assurance. How can we be sure no one will use it to perform a unauthorized test?? We can't allow that printer because someone might try to print a ruler. Tables must not have any right angles, because it might get used to judge squareness. Maybe pour some sand on the tables too, so it can't be used as a surface plate
The best part is when the work place ends up being mad cheap and common objects are more trust worthy in determining a square then the malformed china import beat up square they have.
Also, they have paper clip bans. I am not making that up, because they are worried that someone might make a steel jumper out of one, and screw up a test. Always made me think of that story where they repaired a b29 mid air to get it home after it got shot by flak, by bridging some damaged control with a paper clip.