Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

ASK Transmitter Problem


Hello ,
Recently I design a system and i use ASK 315 Mhz module with Pt2262 ,i use the circuit that i attached and i use 5V relay instead of 4 tact switchs and control them with MCU,the module voltage is 5v. the problem is: the module is always HOT! and when i send nothing the module draws 110ma @5v and when it transmite something it draws 110ma @5v too!
1-how can i turn off module when it not transmite anything?
2-Does the system warm up affect on module shorten range of transmition in long time(appr. 12 month and 8hours turn on every day)?

You could switch the power to the module on and off with some sort of transistor if it does not have a power down or enable pin. However 110 mA seems execessive. More information on which module, and the actual schematic would maybe help. If the module is the kind I think it is I would expect something in the order of ~10mA.

Thank for your reply xtoffer,
this module is much powerful and here is my schematic:

is it possible not to use PT2262 and directly connect the module to USART i found some projects on this subject , but is itreliable?


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