Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

aspect ratio of low frequency long ferrite antenna


So I know some basic guidelines for smaller ferrite rod inductors to leave some of the ends unwrapped (for like 2 inch long, they seem to use maybe 50-60% of the rod)

I have a real low frequency hi mu foot long rod now, and I am wondering if I should follow the same 50-60% rule or does it get different when the aspect ratio starts getting weird.

It is 1 inch x 12 inches.

I think it will be used somewhere about or way less then 1KHz

I previously glued some crap together from junk parts but that project never went anywhere

And I am also wondering if it should be one continuous winding, or if I should make multiple coils (like a coil gun design).

This kind of gets into it, but its much larger then mine

Is 12 inches long enough to justify winding it into sections to try to lower capacitance?

And I even had thought about low capacitance windings, but it looks like it might be too difficult to predict what effect all these things could have.

I think it might be a good idea to do this because it has minimum difficulty but it makes it easier to modify it, because for a receiver antenna, it hardly seems to matter if you solder each of the spools together, and its easier to wind. Assembly might be a tiny bit more tricky because it involves some fine splicing.

and it gives it the ability to pick the exact coil size by selecting the correct tap point.


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