Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

BNC Connectors in UK

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I'm looking for some reasonable quality solderable BNC connectors to attach to RG58 coax with suppliers in the UK as I want them reasonable quickly.

I'm making a couple of 25m cables to go between loop antenna and shack.
As I will be making so few cables at the moment I can't justify buying a decent crimping tool, or compression tool.


OOPS - should I have posted this in the Buy/Sell/Wanted Section???

Lord of nothing:
I got all my Stuff from China.
Its the same Quality like the Company sell here.


--- Quote from: medical-nerd on July 25, 2017, 02:54:23 pm ---I'm looking for some reasonable quality solderable BNC connectors to attach to RG58 coax with suppliers in the UK as I want them reasonable quickly.

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--- Quote from: Lord of nothing on July 26, 2017, 06:18:02 pm ---I got all my Stuff from China.

--- End quote ---
Getting them from AliExpress is not the way to go if you want them quickly. I am pretty sure you should be able to find them at Farnell/Element14 and RS Components.

--- Quote from: medical-nerd on July 25, 2017, 02:54:23 pm ---OOPS - should I have posted this in the Buy/Sell/Wanted Section???

--- End quote ---
Only if you want to buy them from other forum members.

I guess you mean the clamp type, which you do up with a flat spanner?


Thank you alm and nali - I will order a few of these - they seem to be exactly what I need.

Cheers   :)


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