Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

CB and Ham Radio Techs Love Their Bird Wattmeters

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I connected the electronics shield and breadboard I was previously using to the Due to make sure it was still functioning like I last left it (minus the inputs from the log amps). It was. Never know with a cat hanging around here.

But mainly I needed to get an idea of the size needed for the two side risers I need to 3D print. I put on a new blank shield without the headers on top to check the height. Also set on top a 3.3 V regulator but I sat it flat because I don't want it to sit high the way they installed the pins. I will remove the pins and re-install my own so it lays close to what you see. Looks like a riser of a couple cm will do the job.

I also received in the mail some RG-402 semi-rigid & male SMAs for same. This is mainly for one reason, for me to practice making these types of RF lines. After looking at Joe's project I realized I needed this knowledge myself.

But, once made, I will replace the two short coax jumpers I'm using for the DC out of the Putnam coupler. DC you ask? What are you talking about? Well, let's put it this way - "DC" as Joe defines it.


Looking good.  Risers are going to be an 'H' beam?   Are you planning to run the RF connectors out the sides to make it easier to place in-line? 


--- Quote from: joeqsmith on September 23, 2023, 12:57:19 pm ---Looking good. 

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--- Quote ---Risers are going to be an 'H' beam?
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Pic attached. A series of "H" figures I suppose you could say.

I decided to get the side risers finalized. I re-dimensioned the part I had already drawn up to fit the observations I made recently regarding the needed internal case height. I will 3D print these in the next few days and see if they will work for the project.

Addemdum: Oh I just thought of one more addition to that part for strength, I will add tomorrow.

--- Quote --- Are you planning to run the RF connectors out the sides to make it easier to place in-line?

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Naw, this ain't no inline meter in the sense of a Bird. Every desktop SWR / power meter I've ever had has the RF connections out the back panel

I was thinking 'H' or 'I' like an I-beam that the case will ride in the two channels, locked into place.  You have a screw and fingers on one side.  If I push from the outside in, what prevents the plastic from cracking? 

--- Quote ---Every desktop SWR / power meter I've ever had has the RF connections out the back panel
--- End quote ---
I could send you that RS70 that comes out the sides.   Funny, not one ham claimed to have a working one and tore it down.   I may decide to go ahead and add a strap to that coax and see if I can adjust it.   Can't believe the shit people sell, and get away with it. 


--- Quote from: joeqsmith on September 24, 2023, 01:36:43 am ---I was thinking 'H' or 'I' like an I-beam that the case will ride in the two channels, locked into place.  You have a screw and fingers on one side.  If I push from the outside in, what prevents the plastic from cracking?

--- End quote ---

Good observations.  :-+

It would have to be a large force for it to crack. However it's possible it would be able to be pushed in a bit mainly at each end (not in the middle where the screw is). I'm going to add a horizontal reinforcement "rib" to help prevent any bending. I could even make the riser thicker towards the inside of the case and it won't affect the look of it as viewed from the outside. We will see if or how many  revisions to the design are needed.

I think the case after all this is going to look nice. Black front and back panels, and a black riser on each side with yellow OLED display.

--- Quote ---Every desktop SWR / power meter I've ever had has the RF connections out the back panel
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--- Quote ---I could send you that RS70 that comes out the sides.   Funny, not one ham claimed to have a working one and tore it down.   I may decide to go ahead and add a strap to that coax and see if I can adjust it.   Can't believe the shit people sell, and get away with it.

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Yes I'd like to see if you can get it calibrated. Throw down challenge to you.


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