Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

CB and Ham Radio Techs Love Their Bird Wattmeters

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A few other articles from I believe the same author, along with his resume:


Attached showing an antique detector.  Guess which connector has the lower frequency and which was for the higher...

Here's the side risers with correct dimensions. Fit well so on to the next step.

The side risers are a great idea.

I was really put off those "standard project boxes" as any worthwhile project I wanted to make was always that little bit too tall to fit.
I usually ended up either finding a scabby old box which never looked like anything, paying too much for a box that was too large, or just "having a lie down till the feeling went away".

Even the steel boxes were like that---I remember ending up making a linear power supply for some tube equipment where the transformer laminations protruded through the top, like a supercharger on a hot road car.

Nobody could get bitten, as the hole was very snug, but it just looked wrong!


--- Quote from: vk6zgo on September 30, 2023, 02:48:19 am ---The side risers are a great idea.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---I was really put off those "standard project boxes" as any worthwhile project I wanted to make was always that little bit too tall to fit.
I usually ended up either finding a scabby old box which never looked like anything, paying too much for a box that was too large, or just "having a lie down till the feeling went away".

--- End quote ---

The only parts of the plastic box I bought that I'm using are the top and bottom. It's certainly possible to 3D print a whole box and not buy one. I might do that in the future. It just takes a lot longer to make a large part like the top or bottom of the box I'm using. But once you get all the parts designed or found on Thingiverse, you can make any size box very easily. All you have to re-size all the parts in the slicer, like 50% or 200% or whatever. All the parts will fit together.

What I really would like is a PLA that has enough metal in it to act as a shield. They do make "metal" PLA but the metal particles are just there to obtain a nice looking print, not to conduct. I guess there would have to be a lot more metal particles, so much so that we'd be talking about actual molten metal at that point.


We tried to print high content copper PLA then sintered.  I showed the results in the waveguide thread.  Very conductive, basically a chunk of copper.  However, instead of a nice looking waveguide, it looks like a blob of burnt copper.   


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