Note the photo of my BNC barrels. One of them is not like the others. Guess which one is silver.
I wonder about some of these super low cost Chinese connectors. Some are < $10. They have some "precision" ones around $50 but none have any data.
The least shiny one is the silver one.
There is also the fact that there is silver
and silver!
Many years ago, EEs at the (then) PMG's Dept Research Lab did some tests on large self-supporting coils made out of copper pipe, which were part of a LC tuned anode circuit of a tube PA at HF frequencies, as they had been reported as becoming hot in service.
The coils were silver plated, using a standard commercial plating service & were very pretty.
As a control, the "ginger beers" made up a set of coils from unplated copper.
Under test, they were surprised to find that the plain copper ones ran considerably cooler.
As this was counter intuitive, they then had to go down that "rabbit hole"!
It turned out to be due to two interacting things:-
(1) Copper available in the late 1950s contained many fewer impurities compared to that from the early part of the century when silver plating definitely
did improve efficiency in "tank" circuits.
(2) Silver plating methods had changed since those early days, as platers introduced various compounds which increased the brilliance, wear & tarnish resistance of plating for their primary purpose of making things look "pretty".
Unfortunately, this caused a very large increase in the resistivity of the plating.
They concluded that the "laid back" attitude of "just dropping your stuff into the local plating shop" obviously needed a serious rethink!