Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio
CB and Ham Radio Techs Love Their Bird Wattmeters
Analog Dial indicators. I love them. I have dozens in all manner with a myriad of mounts. A great late 1800's technology that I've been using for decades. Get you some!
--- Quote from: joeqsmith on September 27, 2023, 03:16:10 pm ---Let's see what the hammer damners say.
This one claims there is no measurable difference:
--- End quote ---
Read the SECOND part, don't stop at the front door
I had seen their part II but stopped at the TDR. Guessing their VNA wasn't up to the task to resolve the 25 ohm like myself and others have shown. Then again, when it comes to TDR, that is one topic I hear a lot from hams about. The best was how you could reduce the number of samples to a very small number to achieve higher resolution. Sad thing is there are countless papers available for free on the internet written by the major players. Just requires reading.
let aside the "ham" stuff, Davide worked for several years for
that said, how much will that "discrepancy" affect you project ?
Keysight employs janitors and people taking care of the plants. I would be more curious what they actually did as a profession. Even then, humans like to embellish. Pick any discipline and there are bad, medium and good people. Better to base my comments on their published works.
My current project is sub 25kHz using screw terminals and phono jacks.
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