Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

CB and Ham Radio Techs Love Their Bird Wattmeters

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--- Quote from: metrologist on October 02, 2024, 03:55:13 pm ---
--- Quote from: pdenisowski on October 01, 2024, 10:16:59 am ---Interesting narration / voice over style  ... wondering if I should do something similar in my next video :)

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Yes please  >:D

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I polled my co-workers and their unanimous reply was that I should stick to my current style :)

TBH, I thought it was an AI generated VO. But with the newer better tech.


--- Quote from: metrologist on October 04, 2024, 05:37:40 pm ---TBH, I thought it was an AI generated VO. But with the newer better tech.

--- End quote ---

Uh ! I didn't know Bird created its own AI model !


Bird RF website countdown clock says "10 hours" till the reveal, till they "change everything". Damn that's midnight for me - might have to stay up late.  :-DD

It's live now: 


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