Author Topic: SoC or RF Receiver chip for at least 900-950mhz at least?  (Read 16190 times)

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Offline rwgast_lowlevellogicdesinTopic starter

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SoC or RF Receiver chip for at least 900-950mhz at least?
« on: December 08, 2015, 11:15:22 pm »
Im looking to make a cheap pc based receiver for an NTSC wireless camera. I would like to put this guy on my robot. I got the camera with no receiver modules. I cut the connector off connected to 12 volts and ran a scan with a dongle at 900-1000

So it looks like I need to get a chip that can handle at a minimal of 15mhz, probably 20 to be safe. Is there an easy solution for this? I ran the data through TV Sharp and could not get any real picture due to the 3.2mhz bandwidth limit. But I also was getting something everything around the frequency was white noise static and then as soon as I hit 914mhz I started seeing some blackness with white rolling bars. You can also see in the picture the modulation changed a bit, this was due to me putting my hand over the sensor.

I could even open it up and try to shift the broadcast frequency down... but I still need something cheap/homebrew with 15 mhz of bandwidth at the least.

Why you ask?? Well camera was free and its color night vision I want to put it on my robot and pump the data through openCV. I dont really have money to go out and but a better solution, and even if I had one I would rather have my own reciver that works how I want it to, not the company.

If anyone cares it is an ASTAK CM-918

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