A few random notes from last nights simulations on the off-chance someone finds them interesting, or even useful. - I simulated(on and off) for over 2 hours so you don't have to. LOL
Despite it only going down to 0.1V, GK's 1N4002 junction capacitance/reverse voltage graph above is very close to what I 'measured' in LT. A 1Amp diode starts off at 35pf at 0V, and applying a real 1V to 8.5V tuning voltage gives only a 2:1 change in capacitance.
LT's variactor starts at ~52pF, - still with a 2:1 range.
I 'measured' the tuning diodes capacitances by probing the 5.4Mhz current through it and it's parallel 30pF, and compared the 2 pk-pk currents ratio.
In the simulation if I fix 'the short' so that the tuning voltage of 1V to 8.5V gets across the tuning diode it makes very little difference to the frequency or its full range - it's still about 5.4Mhz with about a 250Khz change.
You'll like this next one.
Now knowing the tuning diodes capacitances, if I swap out LT's variactor diode for a fixed 50pF with ESR 10R does the frequency still change with the 1 to 8.5V? - Yes! But in the opposite direction - at 8.5V it drops about 1Mhz.
Just for some colour, using LT's variactor, no short, green =output, red =tuning voltage, blue = emitter-collector.