I've thrown together another iteration of my 1PPS + 10 MHz distribution amplifier designs:
https://goo.gl/photos/WB8fYd4jzba7nXH18Performance is good overall but there is always room for improvement for the next version:
- the long trace that feeds the outputs on the op-amp design seems to "ring" causing gain-peaking - some impedance matching or design change would be required? what?
- fed at +/-12VDC the regulators get quite hot, better move them far away and maybe thermally isolate with a slot in the PCB?
- I've used 2k@100MHz ferrites a lot - maybe this is overkill/paranoia but I should probably build an LNA and verify the regulator/PSRR performance
- on the 1PPS board length-matching the traces didn't fully work as there is still 200ps channel skew. 200ps corresponds to 36mm of propagation at 0.6c which seems like too much??
- any other good/bad things you RF gurus out there see with the designs?
(these might go on github and/or ohwr.org if they improve a bit further and there is interest..)