I built my own airband receiver, for fun, based around an old Ramsey kit. It works surprisingly well sat on the windowsill at work in Telford, I can get the Clee Hill repeater quite well on 133.6Mhz.
When I take it home to Walsall though it doesn't work so well, and all I can get is lots of distorted FM. I can't really get the Clee Hiill repeater and only sporadically get the aircraft themselves.
I suspect that at home I'm just plain out of range of Clee Hill. I'm also within direct line of sight of the 250kw Sutton Coldfield transmitter, maybe 3 or 4 miles and it's overloading the front end ?
Sound like a reasonable assumption? and is there anything I can do about it? I'm using a homebrew dipole tuned to the airband freq.