I recently got a good deal on a very old "differential-T" antenna tuner and visually its in fine shape but electrically the bearings are dirty. I am currently (no license yet!) just using it for SWL where it does clearly allow the tuning up of arbitrary wires to get a stronger signal- "impedance matching works!"
however, the conductivity of the roller inductor is patchy so as it rotates it cuts in and out- This can also be seen quite clearly on the (SDR) waterfall. Visually it looks pretty good, but it seems as if as it turns around half of it connects well and on the other side of the turn it does not make as good a connection. I bet that would also be the case with DC.
Someday before too long if I am going to use this thing without problems in my future ham shack, which was my intent, I am going to have to figure out what it needs in terms of cleaning/lubrication and fix it a bit better. What do people do?
So, I emailed the manufacturer with the question of what to do, not really expecting a response. But, they were actually quite nice. Its got a very long coil which has a counter which is also missing a little belt which they were kind enough to mail me a replacement for.
The manufacturer also mentioned a specific grease they use but - Googling, a bunch of people seemed to feel that the grease caused more problems than it solved for that manufacturer's products.
So, I ended up as confused as I started out, or maybe even more confused. This subject appears to be one of those subjects that people argue endlessly about.
However, some good news- It seems as if the roller inductor my unit has is better than the ones in the newer units, and it looks like its in fairly good shape considering that the thing appeared to have been sitting unused for a long time before getting sold to me. Which is probably how it got dirty. It had been sitting in one position so long that the belt on the counter had literally disintegrated.
This problem was actually why I had gotten it cheap. The seller had said that as he was unable to make it tune up his test antenna properly he gave me a good price.
It seems as if its also possible to touch up the silver plating on old silver plated parts.. so if I am going to disassemble it I might as well do that too.
But my main question is, what should I put on the bearings, and roller wheel? There is still a little bit of the original lubricant but I have a feeling its part of the problem. Acetone, for example, is a really good degreaser. So is that stuff made with citrus oil. 91% isopropyl alcohol, not as much .. but still useful.
I think the recommended grease contained graphite. I have some graphite, should I use that? In what? in some silicone grease? Or light mineral oil?
Also capacitors.. I am assuming its a similar application.
Just looking for more data points before I do something that could be a PITA to reverse if it doesn't work.
**Thank you!**