Ok, I know i will get called up on these approximations but oh well,
First off, the towers, these you probably see but don't look for every day, likely big long grey rectangles on poles, they are what send and receive data between the phones and the general internet.
These towers each have a maximum possible bandwidth or speed, note this is not a per person speed, but the maximum that everyone connected to that tower has to share from, this is why you may see a pole with multiple antennas, to increase the speed in areas where many people are likely to connect.
If many people are connected to a tower, or a few people are doing high speed downloads like Netflix on a particular tower it means there is less bandwidth or speed left when you try and do something, This is partly a first come first serve issue, so if you are doing something like streaming your likely to keep a similar speed if other people try and hop one, making them suffer a slow connection until your stream is interrupted,
The further away from a tower you are, the weaker the signal, each time you double your distance away, the signal is 4 times weaker, if the signal is weak enough it means either the phone or the tower may not hear it, and need to resent slowing things down, equally if your signal is too weak for the fastest technology (4G) your phone may drop down to 3G or even 2G data, as slower connections tend to be more stable over longer distances, equally there is likely to be less people to share with on these bands.