Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

kenwood ps-50 and riden rd6024 get married: being digital but stay linear ;-)


hi guys!...

This is the story of a Kenwood PS-50 who did her job for more than 40 years, who was abused, mistreated, but who has returned to life with the dignity she deserves and who, now honorable, continues working... :-)

For years I felt sorry for it, in the end I brought it to the workshop and I started thinking about what to do with it, since I needed a power source for my radio equipment, but the ps-50 was so damaged that I was too lazy to clean it. and get it ready...

It always worked, it never broke, but I was already afraid to plug it into the socket in the sad state it was in...

One day I was driving (like Mick Jagger) and the idea occurred to me "what if a riden fits on the PS-50???"
It seemed impossible because the PS-50 is very compact, it was famous in its days for that, the power source of the Kenwood rigs was legendary...

Well you see that yes!...the PS-50 transformer is a gem, the capacitors have been tested and are perfect, the rectifier bridge has very good performance, then add a riden rd6024, even if it is to work only at 14 volts , or even 16, with 24 amps it's not bad, right?

and the rd6024 has dropped because they have released a 30 amp one!...:-))))

I already had an RD6024 that I use a lot in the workshop, I think it is a good piece of equipment, stable, powerful and precise...it has a green terminal on a positive input, but nothing happens, nobody is perfect!...:- )

I took it off and painted it red, so it's solved...

I have also taken the opportunity to put a ground terminal on it to be able to refer positive or negative to ground, something that every piece of equipment should have...

The fact is that there you have it, take a look...:-)))


By testing, I have managed to draw up to 27 amps from the bridge rectifier plus capacitors, without regulating, until the nominal voltage of the secondary, being connected to 230vac in the 240vac position, I think was its maximum...

With 20 amps it works easily, cold, I have not installed any fan, although it has room for an 80mm one, but the truth is, I don't think it needs it, the rectifier bridge is mounted on the heatsink where the transistors used to be and now it has it alone For him, it is more than enough, although the heatsink has had to be reduced by half... it is the only modification he has needed to get space...

I think it was worth it, I'm happy...

everyone has a riden, I already have two...I hope I don't look like Tony Albus!...:-)

any input would be so much appreciated!...;-)
Health, Mates!

I want to express my gratitude here to everyone who has made explanatory videos about the ridens, and especially to Jerry Walker, who made a complete series of videos about the operation of the ridens with a linear power supply...:- )


Health, Mates!


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