I'm restoring the radio, but improving it as well, as in adding LEDs, because not only are they reliable, they reduce the heat build up inside. Now, some perfectionists would say that it isn't a "correct" restore if I add LEDs, because it 's not original. Well, in that sense it's true. But so be it. However, I did add more diffusing material in front of the white LED, so will post a pic of it later.
Left the radio powered up all day yesterday, and noticed the display randomly flickering with random digits in the +/- 50 Hz range later in the day. Went back into it. But the problem went away for whatever reason, so it's back together again, and no problems. It's a 37 year old radio and they can be very finicky.
Went back through a few of the alignment procedures one more time, and it looks OK now. Next I plan on running it using JT65, so I have a Signalink USB on order. I also will need to monitor the output power because you need to run something like 20W and less for JT65 - not 100W. So I'll have to back the power off either by using the ALC pin on the rear (a negative DC V input), and/or using a very low level of modulation. I do not yet have a microphone for it.