I am trying get back to HF radio operating after a few years QRT. In that time, my father was critically ill, and I had to fly the other side of the world, and care for him for a few months. But he passed away, and I had to deal with many family matters. I returned home, and had to do a lot of work on renovating house ... etc so had no time to operate radio.
Now I am slowly trying to get back to HF, but have no radio gears, so I have been getting one by one from eBay and Amazon looking for bargains. I managed to get old cheap rigs, and manual ATU and Morse key. But I have no power meter. When I had a look for metres, they are either cheap CB ones, which I dont need, or if ones I want, they are expensive. So I thought how about trying to measure RF power with DMM or DSO? But I had no idea how to do it.
I will be watching those videos closely and try to pick up what I can. I think there was also some kind of formula that you apply to out voltage measure by DSO on some American Ham operators web page. I don;t know if it is still there. But will add link here if / when I find it.
I do operate mostly on 80 40 and 20 metres, and sometimes 30m 17m bands too. So freq 3.5 - 17 Mhz in HF.