Getting your point, but I guess we are coming from different worlds in this regard. In the medical device industry we are trying to make a user interface as intuitive and foolproof as possible. We need to take the buttonpushers (and worse) along. The insulin pump must be also usable by grandma... Big companies have entire usability departments dedicated to this.
Here, I believe it is just 3 different ways to enter the same parameters in the end. Those parameters are interdependent, and it would be more logic and intuitive if the entries would reflect those dependencies IMHO.
But, having said that, grandma will probably not use the VNA...
For my software, there is no big company or usability department. It's a home project intended to be used by engineers (EEs) starting out in RF. Of course, there are the radio hobbyists who write me about their troubles trying to read their SWR before they enter their next contest (advancing the art). They are an aging group and I am sure include some grandmas as well.
In my case, there is no "need" to support anyone as there are no customers. There's no business, no profits and a fair amount of lost time. It's a hobby. Comparing it to any business in any sector makes no sense.
If you read the manual for the V2Plus4, to set the sweep range you have a Start and Step frequency. That's it. Yes, CW, start/stop, center/span all get converted into these two numbers. Yes, the UI could just present these two numbers and be done with it. The software also supports a handful of VNAs. Each is unique in how they are controlled but I could convert them to use the start and step. To be clear, I could but won't.
UIs are a very subjective topic. MBAs love this stuff because it's not requiring any technical skills. Everyone will have an opinion about how it should work, look, scale..... Personally, I see it as a black hole and for a home project, it's not my area of interest. One more reason I use LabView....
That said, I have not bought test equipment because the company appeared to hire all new staff with new managers and failed to look at all of their previous products and how they worked. The new groups are made up of only the best people and have great new ideas. They want to show the right way to do it because the old way is just old. So, I fully agree when it comes to a real company, they better have there act together.