What hardware variant/trusted seller do you recommend that gives the best results for the software, I've seen a (most likely fake clone of fake clone) NanoVNA of a friend that was frankly speaking a piece of junk, never producing 2 similar measurements in a row
So is there a trusted reliable seller somewhere, preferably in EU, best in DE, but wherever it is if it ships in DE is OK.
Many thanks for your software,
I see that question posted a lot. I really don't have a lot of experience with the different manufactures. I bought the V2Plus and V2Plus4 directly from OWOs company. The H4 appears to be well put together kit, but I have no idea who produced it. I am also not sure where my friend bought the two original NanoVNAs.
As far as making a recommendation on what to buy, it depends on how much you want to spend and how you plan to use it. The firmware has been by far the biggest problem I have ran into.
If you do not need narrow band measurements and plan to work above 300MHz, the V2Plus4 would be my pick out of the low cost VNAs. If you want to work below 300MHz and need barrow band, or if you want to make PDN measurements, get the original NanoVNA. If you need both, I would buy both products.
If you're the typical radio hobbyist and want to measure your antennas SWR out to three places beyond the decimal, stop kidding yourself and buy an SWR meter.
As far as your friends comment, its hard to say. They would need to post some actual data, their setup.... before I could offer any input. You read some of the things people post, like using a couple of VNAs and Ts to make full 2-port measurements or connecting their VNA directly to their radios PA and you get the idea that many users are just starting to learn some basics. I wouldn't look to them for advice. (All actual posts BTW. You can't make this stuff up.)
I've shown a lot of tests using these low cost VNAs and have been pretty impressed with the data I have pulled from them. Obviously working at higher frequencies will require more care to avoid measurement errors. If your friend has a blog where they are posting their test results, provide a link and I will have a look at it.