Another fun thread.
Putting together an Elecraft kit radio? Never heard of any local HAMs doing anything even close to that complexity. Again, I'm not saying a few where I live couldn't, or that any local HAM hasn't ever done it, but I've never heard of it where I listen. And if they had done it, they would have bragged about it. I've never heard of any local HAM putting together any sort of kit electronics - ZERO - in the 14 years since I got back into it. Even one LED and a resistor. Maybe I'm around the wrong group of HAMs, but most just do not do these things here.
They buy things already supposed to work together and hook them up. Such as PWR supply - radio - SWR meter - antenna. I've tried to get a few bored HAMs (retired) to use something like an Arduino to make a project. Like one time a guy wanted to thermostatically control a fan he had pointed at a PWR supply. I said why don't you learn the Arduino and do that project, then you will be empowered to do a lot more things on your own. I'll help you! Nope. Wouldn't have any of it.
I'm not a psychologist, but it's almost like they don't want to do anything that could result in failure. They don't want to be seen as not being able to do something or figure it out. So, they just don't do it. They don't like to talk about any sort of technical topic that they don't know already, because then the other person would seem to be smarter than they were (at least on that topic).
Of course politics and religion they talk about, because there is no "failure" involved. It's just opinions on subjective topics. But once the microphone is in their hand, they will let the opinions fly.
Of course they will fail at simply hooking up HAM gear, but they're willing to risk that or they couldn't talk to other people on the radio, but that's as far as it goes.