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Offline joeqsmithTopic starter

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Re: NanoVNA Custom Software
« Reply #2500 on: December 07, 2024, 01:22:05 am »
I have been working on the new manual and am looking for people willing to review it.  If you are interested in helping out, send me a PM and I will provide you a link to where you may download a copy of the draft once it is available.
Can't send messages (I tried), but if I can help to review this, please let me know. Thanks!
I have the LiteVNA64 but playing catchup with all your posts and connectivity, firmware updates, etc. >25 yrs VNA experience but LiteVNA64 newbie.
Per what others have said, it would be helpful to have a maintained (I volunteer if requested) single place for instructions instead of "just Google it" methods. No need to make all newbies like me suffer, ha ha...

Thanks.  PM sent. 

Offline joeqsmithTopic starter

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Re: NanoVNA Custom Software
« Reply #2501 on: December 21, 2024, 08:59:20 pm »
The latest draft of Solver's user manual is now available and can be downloaded from the Solver64 directory. 

Thanks for everyone who helped review it and provided feedback.   

Offline joeqsmithTopic starter

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Re: NanoVNA Custom Software
« Reply #2502 on: January 05, 2025, 05:10:19 pm »
Solver64 version 6.0 is now available for both the original NanoVNA/H/H4 as well as the LiteVNA/64 V2Plus.  These will require new defaults.

Update readouts when loading S2P files
Combine stability trigger to other cursor handler, all cursors now track
Change 2-Port  Adv. Plots to SI units
Change TDR/TDT impulse curves to use the amplitude scale
Swap TDR/TDT samples/seconds graph axis selection, bug fix
Expose all TDR/TDT filter settings to user
Add support for METAS time domain modes using an uneven step size
Change TDR FIR filter to Zero Phase IIR filter
Add 2PSwp to readout event
Add Reflection types of round trip and one way
Use EXE location as a starting directory for Defaults and other files
Add full 2-port support for databased standards SOLT
Correct transpose error when calculating coefficients
Allow individual databased standards for each port
Allow saving Databased standard's paths to the Defaults file
Add new color scheme menu and add settings to the Defaults file
« Last Edit: January 05, 2025, 05:43:54 pm by joeqsmith »
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Offline Grandchuck

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Re: NanoVNA Custom Software
« Reply #2503 on: January 07, 2025, 02:56:26 pm »
 ???What am I doing wrong?  I can create a new defaults file but it does not seem to load (have any effect) when I restart solver64.

All else working fine.  Thanks Joe!

Offline Grandchuck

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Re: NanoVNA Custom Software
« Reply #2504 on: January 07, 2025, 03:18:06 pm »
Changing the color palette helps folks with color blindness.

Offline joeqsmithTopic starter

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Re: NanoVNA Custom Software
« Reply #2505 on: January 07, 2025, 03:50:22 pm »
???What am I doing wrong?  I can create a new defaults file but it does not seem to load (have any effect) when I restart solver64.

All else working fine.  Thanks Joe!

LOL.  That's a pretty major bug.   
Looks like both programs have a problem.  You can see the error code come up when it tries to load them.   Guessing I forgot to create a new typedef or something.   
Yep, I had changed the color dialog without creating a new typedef.   Both programs will have the same problem.  It's a simple fix.  I'll upload corrections tonight. 

Thanks for taking the time to check it.
LabView is a graphical programming language.  Attached image shows a float divided by an integer.  Note the red dot on the divide symbol, which indicates a problem.   What got me into trouble is I had added the ability to change the graph's line widths.   The software would create the defaults file just fine but when it goes to read it back it, it did not know how to handle this new line width as I never defined it.   This type def mismatch doesn't throw a an error.  You just get that red dot.  The tools allow you to build and run the code even though it obviously is an issue. 

I saw NI dropped the cost of their perpetual license from $15,000 to $10,000 USD.  Still outside of what I am willing to pay for home hobby use but moving in the right direction.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2025, 08:13:42 pm by joeqsmith »
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Offline joeqsmithTopic starter

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Re: NanoVNA Custom Software
« Reply #2506 on: January 07, 2025, 11:02:28 pm »
Solver64 6.01 is now available.  The only change was to correct the typedef. 

Offline Grandchuck

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Re: NanoVNA Custom Software
« Reply #2507 on: January 08, 2025, 03:52:08 pm »
Solver 64 now remembers the port and custom color scheme.  Big thanks Joe!

Offline joeqsmithTopic starter

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Re: NanoVNA Custom Software
« Reply #2508 on: January 09, 2025, 04:17:58 pm »
Let me know if you run into any other problems with the software or manual.  Most of the features have been vetted, or at least used for several weeks, as you saw there can still be bugs. 

Let me know what you think about the new color settings.   I think there are 200 controls.  There are maybe 10 or so color attributes for each.  I wanted to make it simple for users to change them.

While there were 40 downloads of the TDR wrapper, no one sent any code.  I doubt I will do anymore with this.

While there is still some test code for the unknown thru, I never sorted out a way to characterize the VNA/cables/transfer relay.... that would allow it to work.  If they ever come out with a better VNA that we can determine the switching errors,  I may revisit this.

A few people have asked about running it on high def monitors suggesting I allow the program to be scaled dynamically.  I've mentioned the problem is how the graphs were created using overlays.  I tried a few experiments were I would scale the raster images but the results were very poor.   One option is to use the stock graphs but these are slow.   Then there is the whole problem of font scaling.   For now, I suggest staying away from these high res displays if you want to run Solver.

There are no other planned updates at this time. 

Offline tungsten2k

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Re: NanoVNA Custom Software
« Reply #2509 on: January 14, 2025, 11:33:34 am »
A quick check, looks like the defaults allowed people to edit rather than view.  I can see where one person then decided to wipe it.  Sadly, I didn't spend much time reading their documents and just assumed their default settings would be secure.

I got so fed up with Dropbox and the continued dance of death... first removing all my "bonus" storage (obtained 500MB at a time via referring friends to sign up back when DB started), stopping downloads after a certainly used bandwidth, and 24/7 nag to keep paying for more storage, etc. (as well as the continued push from 1Password to force me into a subscription model vs. the cross-platform licensed versions I paid for (just like NI tried to do to you)) that I setup my own opensource "cloud" in just a few hours using Nextcloud (and Bitwarden for password manager) and have never been happier.  Check to see if Sonic has 1Gbit (or better) service at your location and if so, just take it in-house.

Thank you for continuing to share your cool stuff Joe. Manual looks great !


Offline joeqsmithTopic starter

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Re: NanoVNA Custom Software
« Reply #2510 on: January 14, 2025, 12:33:23 pm »
After removing NIVISA and the runtime engine, along with changing the security settings, I have not had any problems with Dropbox.  The big advantage for me is people do not seem to be having difficulties navigating it like they did with Github.   The only problem I have heard of was someone from Russia claiming that NI would not allow them to download the support files from their area, which I wasn't too surprised given the current environment.   There was that dweeb who could not sort out what files to download from NI,  but outside of that things have gone smoothly.

Offline joeqsmithTopic starter

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Re: NanoVNA Custom Software
« Reply #2511 on: January 15, 2025, 02:20:54 pm »
This link is where I have been saving pre-released software/documents.  Currently a program named main.exe resides there.  This program demonstrates the problems with making LabView programs resize.   There are a lot of constraints.  You can break up the GUI using splitter bars, but Solver is feature rich and uses tabs to maintain some level of sanity by breaking these features up rather than having everything on one screen.   Tabs do not support splitter bars.   To work around this, you can use a sub panel, which is a way to load a program into a designated area.  Tabs support these sub panels but linking to the data structure is a major pain and I am not aware of a clean way to do it.   

Main uses LabView's built-in Smith and polar graphs.  Their code was stripped for the sections that draw the scales into a picture.  These pictures are then overlaid onto of an XY graph, similar to how Solver works today.   It's not pretty and would require a major rewrite/restructure of the GUI. 

Main does not talk to a VNA.  It's just a simple demo to show the shortcomings...

NI wants to invest in integrating AI into LabView.  This is what they need the money for.   Like NXG, more waste.

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