>I was unable to change the attenuator and assume it still doesn't have support for it which does seem a bit odd after Dislord's comment about adding it
You mean output power? This my temp V2 protocol format description:
V2 Binary protocol:
V2 contain 256 registers for read/write
On write to registers data put to reg[address] and V2 grab data and process (depend from address)
All values after in hex format!!!!
Commands for read/write
0x0D - read version (return "2")
0x10 - read byte
0x11 - read word
0x12 - read dword
0x13 - read qword
0x18 - read measured data (use 30 address for count)
0x20 - write byte
0x21 - write word
0x22 - write dword
0x23 - write qword
28 - write buffer (next byte data size, and data)
0x00 - (qword) start frequency
0x10 - (qword) frequency step
0x20 - (word) points count
0x22 - (word) values pre frequency (need set to 1,
0x26 - (byte) mode (0 - USB mode, 1 - send raw data, 2 - normal mode)
0x30 - (byte) points for measure, or up to (measured values)
0x40 - (byte) average
0x41 - (byte) si power
0x42 - (byte) adf power
0x50 - (dword) color value
0x54 - (byte) color index (use H/H4 indexes)
0xee - (byte) any value, on write V2 send screenshot
0xD0 - (dword) SN[0] (serial number 0)
0xD4 - (dword) SN[1] (serial number 1)
0xD8 - (dword) SN[2] (serial number 2)
0xF0 - (byte) device variant (2 vor V2)
0xF1 - (byte) protocol version (1 vor V2)
0xF2 - (byte) board revision (2 vor V2, 3 - V2Plus, 4 - V2Plus4)
0xF3 - (byte) firmware major
0xF4 - (byte) firmware minor
Set average = 5 command:
0x20 - write byte
0x40 - address (average)
0x05 - value
Need send : 204005
Set SI5351 (<140MHz) power = 2 command:
0x20 - write byte
0x41 - address (Si power)
0x02 - value (0 - 3 value range avaible)
Need send : 204102
Set ADF/MAX(>=140MHz) power = 1 command:
0x20 - write byte
0x42 - address (ADF/MAX power)
0x01 - value (0 - 3 value range avaible)
Need send : 204201 (in hex bytes)