Author Topic: New Heathkit Product Announced - Precision RF Meter  (Read 3064 times)

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New Heathkit Product Announced - Precision RF Meter
« on: June 21, 2017, 03:29:48 pm »
Just received an email announcing this.

Precision RF Meter - HM-1002 - pre-order

$ 575.00

Apparently you can enter certain parameters of your system, and it can do extra calculations such as ERP. It works with two sensors though. It also measures your transmission to +/- 100 Hz. Not very good set of pics either. Check it out.

Link -

Heathkit HM-1002
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Offline scdreger

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Re: New Heathkit Product Announced - Precision RF Meter
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2017, 11:35:49 pm »
The product seems pretty nice, but the price is a little off putting. I wish they had some more affordable kits besides the clockradio (which is itself rather expensive for what it is).

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Re: New Heathkit Product Announced - Precision RF Meter
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2017, 09:53:11 am »
Here's a better option, and it's a hundred bucks cheaper.

NIST source calibrated as well.
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Re: New Heathkit Product Announced - Precision RF Meter
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2017, 03:13:53 pm »
I wish they had some more affordable kits besides the clockradio (which is itself rather expensive for what it is).

They offer a clock radio?  I saw a clock kit, and a radio kit, but not a clock radio kit.

Not sure where the new "Heathkit" is getting their product ideas from.  $575 for an SWR/Wattmeter is quite steep.

They could have come up with a modernized version of their venerable HM-102 (maybe with a cross-needle meter?) for considerably less than this, and they would surely sell a lot more of them.
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Offline scdreger

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Re: New Heathkit Product Announced - Precision RF Meter
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2017, 12:28:03 am »
I wish they had some more affordable kits besides the clockradio (which is itself rather expensive for what it is).

They offer a clock radio?  I saw a clock kit, and a radio kit, but not a clock radio kit.

Not sure where the new "Heathkit" is getting their product ideas from.  $575 for an SWR/Wattmeter is quite steep.

They could have come up with a modernized version of their venerable HM-102 (maybe with a cross-needle meter?) for considerably less than this, and they would surely sell a lot more of them.

Not sure why I was calling it a clock radio.  ::) Yes, I meant the "reliable clock kit," or whatever it's called.

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Re: New Heathkit Product Announced - Precision RF Meter
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2017, 12:41:02 am »
Seems like all the offerings in this Heath reboot have been...a little odd.  I'm just not sure who they think their market is.
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