Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

NI Vector Signal Transceiver

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--- Quote from: jhenderson0107 on May 30, 2023, 05:42:39 pm ---...I agree and wouldn't hesitate for $350. 
--- End quote ---
I didn't hesitate and purchased one.  It runs the standard RF spectrum analyzer and RF signal generator virtual instruments.  Works well and is very space-efficient. 


--- Quote from: jhenderson0107 on June 04, 2023, 12:10:33 am ---I didn't hesitate and purchased one.  It runs the standard RF spectrum analyzer and RF signal generator virtual instruments.  Works well and is very space-efficient.

--- End quote ---

Nice! :)

I've been posting about my trepidations in the Projects forum, but now that it's working I'll throw it in here too:

For anyone that might care this is as done as probably it ever will be.
PCB files and info on hackaday.

I also started writing GNU Radio blocks for it and got the analyzer part working, but I kinda gave up when I realized that a no double copy custom buffer implementation is beyond my time budget. It was still fun. 

Does this look like the same Mini-SAS adapter you used? 

Edit: also, just to confirm, is the "VST PCIe MiniSAS 20230831A for hackaday.io.zip" file still the best version to send to JLCPCB?

I wrote a pretty handy console app to drive the bladeRF and VSG60A (which I keep meaning to release one of these days), and was thinking it might be nice to use it with these NI modules as well.


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