Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

NI Vector Signal Transceiver

<< < (11/14) > >>

I finally got to do something actually very useful with this.

I put another VST in the PC, and behold the cross-correlation phase noise measurement setup.
It takes forever as the VSTs phase noise is crap, but it's only a matter of time and averaging now.

What software is that?


--- Quote from: KE5FX on October 09, 2024, 01:12:54 am ---What software is that?

--- End quote ---

LabVIEW  :-//
(Community Edition)

I mean, is it a custom app, or something in the existing support software that is enabled simply by plugging two VSTs in?

Oh, no, I wrote it in like 30 min. Not too complicated.


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