Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

quansheng uv-k5 hw mod board v5.0 (flex pcb)

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I bought a mod board for the uvk5 but the seller did not include any instructions.

does anyone have any info on the v5.0 rev?

jumpers, what mainboard parts to remove, etc.


the seller sent me 'some documentation'.

do you see anything wrong with the docs he sent me?

would you be able to install this pre-assembled board into your radio with this instruction sheet?

sigh.  deep sigh.

sellers who know zero about their items - should be banned permanently.  there's enough useless people in the world, useless flippers are the worst kind.

now, I have to spend time returning something that is just not possible to use.  without the detailed mod instructions, this is a recipe for disaster.

just a word of caution.  ask for docs first.  if they refuse, dont buy from them.

most of sellers on aliexpress don't know about their product details.

Regarding to the module, you can find detailed video on how to install it on youtube.

no detailed info for v5.0.  I've tried.  nothing that comes up.  a few (5 or less) come up over and over but 5.0 is mentioned in just one and not in enough depth to know its diffs.

are there any forums where people would know?  I realize this is somewhat specialized.

You can start by simply soldering the board, as the contact pads indicate where to solder. The connection scheme is almost the same for all versions. Then check what's missing if it doesn't work.


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