Electronics > RF, Microwave, Ham Radio

Quansheng UV5 (new 2024 V5.00.03) wont allow FW change or chirp. Any Clues?

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Hi guys.
This is a recent 2024 new Quansheng UV5 (new 2024 V5.00.03) which wont allow FW change or chirp. Any Clues?

Goes into FW mode, then they complain there was a problem and wont proceed. Seems version 5.00.03 returns something other than expected bytes when trying to  even use chirp. It complains the version is wrong and wont proceed. any clues how to update the firmware to say egzumer  or use chirp with this newest radio. Looks the same as one I purchased earlier and yet that works fine. This one all black and yet other wise is labeled UV-5R PLUS Output power = 8W. (hmmmm)  FCC ID-xbpuv-k5.

Used K5prog to backup ok. Trying to use K5prog to upload firmware this is what happens. 
listening for firmware update mode packet ..
sending k5_hello ..
  firmware version: '5.00.03'
has custom AES key: no
 is in lock screen: no
         challenge: 05 DD 4F 4F
obviously the change in supplied firmware is different from previous.   
Surely people are starting to see these around??

Can you please try my tool for fw update and share the log file with communication details if it reject fw update or eeprom read/write?


I would like to see log files for the following commands, it will help to understand what is going on:

--- Code: ---k5tool -reboot

k5tool -rdee 0x0000 0x2000 eeprom-0000-2000.raw

k5tool -wree 0x0000 eeprom-0000-2000.raw

k5tool -wrflash <firmware filename>

--- End code ---

Each k5tool execution replaces previous log file, old log file is moved to the file with .bak extension, the old file with .bak extension is removed. So copy log file after each command. The log file appears in the current folder.

If your system has several serial ports, it may require to specify which serial port is connected to the radio, just add -port option:

On Windows:

--- Code: ---k5tool.exe -port COM3 -reboot
--- End code ---

On Linux:

--- Code: ---./k5tool -port /dev/ttyUSB0 -reboot
--- End code ---

The command

--- Code: ---k5tool -reboot
--- End code ---

just reads firmware version then reboot the radio and read bootloader version.

The command

--- Code: ---k5tool -rdee 0x0000 0x2000 eeprom-0000-2000.raw
--- End code ---

reads full eeprom backup.

The command

--- Code: ---k5tool -wree 0x0000 eeprom-0000-2000.raw
--- End code ---

writes eeprom backup file to the radio

The command

--- Code: ---k5tool -wrflash <firmware filename>
--- End code ---

uploads new firmware to the radio. It expects official firmware format (packed and encrypted).

If you're want to upload raw (upacked and decrypted) firmware image, it can be done with

--- Code: ---k5tool -wrflashraw 2.01.32 <firmware filename>
--- End code ---

where 2.01.32 is the version string which will be send to the radio to unlock firmware write.

But note, there is no way to check if raw firmware is valid and not corrupted. It's better to use official firmware format, because it allows CRC checksum check.

It seems that in V5 the firmware image format the bootlaoder in the radio accepts seems to have changed.
I'd ask on the UVK5-Dev Telegram group, as others are also working on that V5 firmware issue.

I have a new one enroute, so we'll see if it also has V5 firmware and if SWD is still accessible enough to dump the firmware.

it's impossible to say what is going on without logs.

Technically the firmware version doesn't affect ability to update firmware, because firmware update is performed from bootloader which is not a part of firmware and remains unchanged. But if there is new bootloader it's possible, that it can break existing firmware update tools.

You can check bootloader version with:

--- Code: ---./k5tool -reboot
--- End code ---

For example, I got new UV-K5 and it cannot accept firmware update. k5prog shows some strange incorrect response. And detailed investigation shows that the radio just sends bootloader beacon packet, but unable to listen for incoming packets from PC. k5prog just thought that echo is a response from UV-K5. I discovered it with my k5tool. So, it seems like RX line on my new UV-K5 is broken, probably defective chip.

This is the reason why I wrote k5tool - to get ability to see detailed communication log in order to investigate issues.

The log of k5tool contains full communication details, include raw sent/received data in hex, decrypted hex data and human-readable parsed packets. So you can see all details what is sent and what is received and can understand what happens.

In addition k5tool allows to convert firmware from packed to unpacked format and from unpacked to packed format and also it has UV-K5 bootloader simulator mode for testing other UV-K5 firmware update software (in simulator mode it also writes the same detailed communication log).

On telegram the current consensus seems to be that the packing format for the firmware has changed.
It is hoped that it is not AES instead the previous XOR.
AES is not out of the question, as the factory firmware update tool and the firmwares apparently support it. Just that it was not used.


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